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Profile | Ranchi University

Faculty Profile


Full Name

Dr. Vinay Oraon



Assistant Professor , Biotechnology

Joined Institute on


Career Profile
Teaching experience in years Area of Specialisation
12 Years Teaching
16 Years Research
Position Held
• Teaching Faculty (16/11/2018 - Till date), M.Sc. Biotechnology, University Department of Botany, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand.
• Reader (08/05/2010 to 15/11/2018), Vananchal Dental College & Hospital, Farathiya, Garhwa, Jharkhand.
• Visiting Faculty (Feb. 2011 to Dec, 2011), Dept. of Bioinformatics, MANIT, Bhopal, M.P.
• Lecturer (04/03/2008 to 30/06/2010), Dept. of Microbiology, Barkatullah University, UTD, Bhopal, M.P
• Senior Research Fellow (26/08/2006 to 03/03/2008), Dept. of Microbiology, Barkatullah University, UTD, Bhopal, M.P.
Research Areas
• Nitrogen Fixing bacteria.
• Bacteriology, Antimicrobial activity.
• Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics.
• Phylogenetics.
1. Amulya Kumari, Latika Sharan, Amit Patnaik, Vinay Oraon. Profiling of phytochemicals in Annona reticulata L. leaf using gc-ms analysis.Journal of Advanced Scientific Research. 2022, 13 (3): 198-205. UGC-CARE LIST.
2. Soma Karmakar, A. K. Srivastava, Vinay Oraon, T. Pandiaraj and Jyostna Tirkey. Prevalence of Bacteria in Tasar Growing Soils and their Isolation and Characterization. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2022, 13(2): 334–337. UGC-CARE LIST.
3. Surabhi Ambastha, Amulya Kumari, Vinay Oraon, Amit Patnaik, Latika Sharan. Pharmacological review on Sesbania grandiflora (Linn). International Journal of Botany Studies. 2022, 7 (2); 259-268. RJIF-8.
4. Ghazala Shaheen, Vinay Oraon, Latika Sharan. Relationship between Legume - Rhizobia and Rhizosphere from Special Reference to Vicia faba and Glycine max – A Review. International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM); 2022, 10 (1), 671-676. Impact Factor: 7.429. Thomson Reuters.
5. Anita Sinha, Vinay Oraon, Amit Patnaik, Jyoti Kumar. In vitro evaluation of antimicrobial activity of Tinospora cordifolia (Giloy) creeped on Eugenia jambolana (jamun tree) and Dalbergia sissoo (Sesam tree) in comparison with its independent creeper on fences. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT); 2021, 9 (5), 488-494. Impact Factor: 7.97.
6. Vinay Oraon, Amit Patnaik, Jyoti Kumar. Nesting Habits are aspects in the development of antimicrobial defences in Paper Wasps against various pathogens. International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology & Engineering (IJERSTE); 2021, 10 (5), 13-18, Impact Factor: 7.957.
7. Garima Sinha, Kiran Murthy D, Thota Lenin Babu, Mrinmoy Chakraborty, Vinay Oraon, Jyoti Kumar. Comparative study of anti-microbial efficacy of herbal root canal irrigants Curcuma longa (turmeric), Ocimum sanctum (basil), Cocos nucifera (coconut) against Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans: in vitro study. International Journal of Enhanced Research in Medicines & Dental Care (IJERMDC); (2021), 8 (4), 1-7, Impact Factor: 7.125.
8. Garima Sinha and Vinay Oraon. The magical instrument which can postpone endodontic surgery. Indian Journal of Applied Research; (2021), 11(02), 14-15. doi: 10.36106/ijar.
9. Patnaik Amit, Sinha Anita, Oraon Vinay, Srivastava Anjani Kumar and Kumar Jyoti. To Study the Spread Curve of Corona Virus in India. Coronaviruses; (2021) 2 (3): 359- 363.
10.Soma Karmakar, A. K. Srivastava, Vinay Oraon, P. Pandiaraj and Jyostna Tirkey. Physico-Chemical status of Tasar Silkworm host plant growing soils after INM practices at Kapistha in West Bengal. Research Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences (RJCES); (2020), 8 (4); Scientific Journal Impact factor: 6.675
11. Vinay Oraon, Nilam Kumari Beck, Amit Patnaik, Anita Sinha, and Jyoti Kumar. Antimicrobial activity of rhizospheric bacteria of Azadirachta indica and Moringa oleifera producing secondary metabolites against human bacterial pathogens. J Adv Sci Res.; (2020), 11 suppl 5: 112-120.
12. Vinay Oraon, Rukshar Fatma, Nilam Kumari Beck, Ladly Rani and Jyoti Kumar. Comparative study on Antibiogram and Phytochemical analysis in Extraction of Oscimum sanctum, Murraya koenigii, Mentha piperita and Coriandrum sativum, against various Pathogens. Journal of Scientific Research; (2020), 64 (2): 201-207; DOI: 10.37398/JSR.2020.640228.
13. Priya Shree, Vinay Oraon, Namita Shrivastava, Swapan Kr. Purkait, Dipankar Samaddar, Kabita Chatterjee. Prevalence of Candida Hyphae in patients with potentially malignant disorders and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Paripex- Indian Journal of Research; (2018), 7 (4); 502-505. IF: 6.761
14. Tanya Verma, Rajasekhar Vemareddy, Saurabh Arora, Lenin Babu, Mayur Kahate, Vinay Oraon, Alok Gupta. Comparative Analysis of Three Different Irrigants on Extruded Debris During Root Canal Treatment: An In Vitro Study. Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry (JRAD); (2018), 8:1; 70-74.
15. Shrishtee Priya, Nilam Kumari Beck, Vinay Oraon. Antimicrobial susceptibility of assisting chemical substances of Enterococcus faecalis and S. mutans in root canals. Paripex- Indian Journal of Research; (2017), 6 (12); 100-102. IF: 5.761.
16. Dr Shrishtee Priya, Dr Saurabh Arora, Dr Vinay Oraon, Dr Tanya Verma, Dr Jaimesh Kumar Bhagat, Dr Nitesh Kumar Shukla. An vitro antimicrobial activity of sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine gluconate on E. faecalis and S. mutans in root canal. Asia Pacific Dental Journal; (2016), 3 (3): 17-21.
17. Oraon Vinay and Singh Kiran. Assessment of phenotypic and genotypic diversity of Rhizobium bacteria in Madhya Pradesh. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare; (2015), 5 (7): 199-205. IF-5.09.
18. Oraon Vinay and Singh Kiran. Biodiversity of nitrogen fixing bacteria from agricultural soil of Madhya Pradesh State, India. Advances in Life Science and Technology; (2014), 24;114-120. IF-5.58.
19. Oraon Vinay and Singh Kiran. Studies on Molecular characterization of Rhizobium spp. Isolates from Agricultural soil of M. P. International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology; (2013), 1 (1): 27-34.
20. Oraon Vinay, Prasad Bhupendra and Singh Kiran.16S rDNA-RFLP analysis of phylogenetic tree of Rhizobium bacteria. Indian Journal of Applied Research; (2013), 3 (12); 474-476.
21. Oraon Vinay and Singh Kiran. “Genetic diversity of Rhizobium in Madhya Pradesh”. International Journal of Medicobiological Research, Int J Med Res; (2011), 1(4): 204- 210.
Research Publications in National and International Conferences
1. Pushpa Salo Linda1 , Krishna Pyare2 and Vinay Oraon3 . Comparative Study on Antibiogram in Extraction of Ricinus communis L. and Jatropha curcas L. against Various Pathogens. International Conference on Environment, Forestry and Sustainable Agriculture; 14-16 November, 2022; Organized by St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi.
2. Ghazala Shaheen, Vinay Oraon and Latika Sharan. Morphological and Biochemical characterization of Bacteria Obtained from Rhizosphere of Vicia faba L. International Conference on Environment, Forestry and Sustainable Agriculture; 14-16 November, 2022; Organized by St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi.
3. Anita Sinha1, Amit Patnaik1 , Vinay Oraon1 , Pankaj Dayal Sharma2 , Kirtan Kumar3 , Smriti Jha4 , Neha Singh Rathor1 and Kunul Kandir1 . In Vitro Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Inosporacordifolia (GILOY). International Conference on Environment, Forestry and Sustainable Agriculture; 14-16 November, 2022; Organized by St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi.
4. Amulya Kumari, Amit Patnaik, Vinay Oraon and Latika Sharan. In Vitro Antidiabetic Effects and Antioxidant Potential of Annona reticulate L. Leaves. International Conference on Environment, Forestry and Sustainable Agriculture; 14-16 November, 2022; Organized by St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi.
5. Pushpa Salo Linda, Vinay Oraon, Krishna Pyare. Antibiogram comparative study of Euphorbia thamifolia l. and Jatropha curcus l. against various pathogens; XLV All India Botanical Conference of The Indian Botanical Society on Climate Change: Biodiversity, Adaptation and Mitigation, October 14-16, 2022; Organized by Department of Botany, University of Lucknow.
6. Vinay Oraon. Participation in National Conference on Trends and Progress of Animal Sciences; 5th and 6th February 2020; Organized by Post Graduate Department of Biosciences and Biotechnology, Fakir Mohan University, Orissa.
7. Vinay Oraon and Kiran Singh. Genetic diversity of Rhizobium from agriculture soil in M. P. for Biofertilizer Formulation. 59th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI 2018) & International Symposium on Host-Pathogen Interaction, 09-12 December 2018, School of Life Science, University of Hyderabad, Telangana.
8. Vinay Oraon and Nilam Kumari Beck. An vitro antimicrobial activity of chemical substances on Enterococcus faecalis and S. mutants in root canals. 59th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI 2018) & International Symposium on Host-Pathogen Interaction, 09-12 December 2018, School of Life Science, University of Hyderabad, Telangana.
9. Vinay Oraon and Kiran Singh. Genetic diversity of Rhizobium strains by analysis of 16S rDNA-RFLP PCR fingerprint patterns using NTSYS pc software. 57th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologist of India (AMI 2016) & International Symposium on Microbes and Biosphere “What’s New What’s Next”, November 24- 27, 2016, Dept. of Botany, Gauhati University, Assam, India.
10. Vinay Oraon and Kiran Singh. Genetic diversity of Rhizobium isolated from agricultural soil of Madhya Pradesh State. National Conference on “Recent Advances in Science, Technology & Healthcare”, 29-30 September 2016. Dept. of Microbiology, Career College, Bhopal, M.P., India.
11. Vinay Oraon and Arvind Kumar Singh. Exploring the Floristic Diversity and Medicinal Value of Plant Species in Palamau Division, Jharkhand, India. National Seminar on Biodiversity and Ecological Stability for Sustainable Development, September 08-09, 2016. Dept. of Botany, Surat Pandey Degree College Garhwa, Jharkhand, India.
12. Vinay Oraon. Phenotypic analysis of Staphylococcus aureus from milk products and their Susceptibility patterns in Garhwa District. 9th NABS National Conference on New Biological Researches: Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Development, August 11-12, 2016. School of Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai & National Academy of Biological Sciences (NABS), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
13. Vinay Oraon, Nidhi Saxena and Kiran Singh. Study of genetic relatedness among Bradyrhizobium strains by analysis of 16S rDNA- RFLP PCR fingerprint patterns using NTSYS pc software. National Conference on Genomics: Tool for Bioprospecting, Department of Bioinformatics, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, INDIA.
14. Vinay Oraon and Kiran Singh. Phenotypic and genotypic diversity of Rhizobium spp. In Madhya Pradesh. 55th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of Ind ia (AMI-EMMT-2014). November 12-14, 2014, Dept. of Agricultural Microbiology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641003, India.
15. Oraon Vinay, Bidua Anima, Gaur Harshita & Prasad Bhupendra. Study of bacterial population in the environs of agnihotra. National seminar on Organic Farming for Food and Healthy Environment, April 26-27, Madhavashram, Sehore Road, Bairagarh, Bhopal, M.P.
16. Vinay Oraon and Kiran Singh. GENOTYPING OF RHIZOBIUM BACTERIA ISOLATED FROM BHOPAL AGRICULTURAL SOIL AT MADHYA PRADESH STATE. 53rd Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI). International Conference on “Microbi al World: Recent Innovations and Future Trends”, November 22-25, 2012, School of Biotechnology, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751024, INDIA.
17. Vinay Oraon and Kiran Singh. Genetic Diversity in Rhizobial isolates determined by 16S rDNA-RFLP-PCR analysis. International Conference on ‘Perspectives in Phyllo sphere Biology’ February 15-17, 2012, Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Utter Pradesh, Sector-125, Express Highway, Noida-201303, INDIA.
18. Vinay Oraon and Kiran Singh. Molecular characterization of nitrogen-fixing bacteria isolated from Bhopal agricultural soil of Madhya Pradesh. 52nd Annual Conference of association of Microbiologist of India (AMI), International Conference of Microbial Biotechnology for Sustainable Development, November 3-6, 2011, Department of Microbiology, Punjab University, Chandigarh-160014, INDIA.
19. Vinay Oraon and Kiran Singh. RAPD-PCR as a tool for determining Genetic diversity among isolated Rhizobium strains from agricultural land of M.P. International Conference on “Issues for Climate Change, Land use Diversification and Biotechnological Tools for Livelihood Security” October 08-10, 2011, at Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut (U.P.), INDIA.
20. Vinay Oraon, Nidhi Saxena and Kiran Singh. Study of genetic diversity of Bradyrhizobium isolated from soyabean field of Madhya Pradesh, India. International seminar of Indonesian society for Microbiology, Bogor, Indonesia.
21. Vinay Oraon, Nidhi Saxena and Kiran Singh. Use of 16S rDNA-RFLP PCR for studying genetic diversity of Rhizobium sp isolated from agricultural land of Madhya Pradesh. National seminar on Green Technologies for Environmental Management & Sustainable development, 4th -5 th February 2010, Department of Botany, Career College, BHEL, Govindpura, Bhopal-462023 (M.P.).
22. Oraon Vinay, Pal Sharmila and Pandey S N. physiological; and biological studies in relation to the effect of biological in pseudomonas fluorescence cho0. National seminar on Green Technologies for Environmental Management & Sustainable development, 4 th -5 th February 2010, Department of Botany, Career College, BHEL, Govindpura, Bhopal-462023 (M.P.).
23. Vinay Oraon, Saxena Nidhi, Roy Purabi, Parmar Sapna, Malviya Jitendra and Kiran Singh. Application of siderophores producing strain of Pseudomonas fluorescence as biocontrol. 50th Annual AMI Conference, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, December 15-18, 2009.
24. Vinay Oraon, Vipin Kaithwas, Devika Rawat, Anima Bidua, Bhupendra Pd. & Kiran Singh. PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF NACL OF NOSTOC MUSCUROM USING TWO-DIMENSIONAL GEL ELECTROPHORESIS. International Conference on Recent Trends in Life Science Researches Vis-à-vis Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development and Human Welfare, June 27-29, 2009. Vinoba Bhave University, Sindoor, Hazaribagh 825301, Jharkhand, India.
25. Vinay Oraon, Jitendra Malviya, Vipin Kaithwas, Nidhi Saxena and Kiran Singh. Screening of Pseudomonas fluorescence strains for siderophore production from agricultural land of M.P. International Conference on Recent Trends in Life Science Researches Vis-à-vis Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development and Human Welfare, June 27-29, 2009, Vinoba Bhave University, Sindoor, Hazaribagh 825301, Jharkhand, India.
26. Vinay Oraon, Nidhi Saxena, Jitendra Malviya, and Kiran Singh. Genetic characterization of Bradyrhizobium strains isolated from agricultural land of Madhya Pradesh by REP-PCR genomic fingerprinting. International Conference on Current Trends in Biotechnology & Implications in Agriculture, Feb 19-21, 2009, Organized by Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut.
27. Vinay Oraon, Nidhi Saxena, Jitendra Malviya, Vipin Kaithwas and Kiran Singh. Genetic characterization of Arthrobacter sp. isolated from forest ecosystem as determined by repetitive Extragenic Palindromic (REC)-PCR Analysis. National seminar on Recent Advance in Environmental Sciences, ITM University, Gwalior (M.P.).
28. Vinay Oraon, Nidhi Saxena, Purabi Roy, Sapna parmar, Jitendra Malviya and Kiran Singh. Phylogenetic analysis of Aeromonas strains isolated from subsurface sediments by REP-PCR genomic fingerprinting. 49th Annual AMI Conference, New Delhi, November 18-20, 2008.
29. Vinay Oraon, Nidhi Saxena, Purabi Roy, Sapna parmar, Jitendra Malviya and Kiran Singh. Characterization of Bradyrhizobium strains isolated from different varieties of Soybean with 16S rDNA RFLP from agricultural land of Madhya Pradesh. 49th Annual AMI Conference, New Delhi, November 18-20, 2008.
30. Vinay Oraon, Nidhi Saxena, Purabi Roy, Sapna parmar, Jitendra Malviya and Kiran Singh. Effect of Thiram on photosynthesis and nodulation in Glycine max. 49th Annual AMI Conference, New Delhi, November 18-20, 2008.
31. Vinay Oraon, Nidhi Saxena, Purabi Roy, Sapna parmar, Jitendra Malviya and Kiran Singh. Screening of phosphate Solubilizing Strains for bioinoculants. 49th Annual AMI Conference, New Delhi, November 18-20, 2008.
32. Vinay Oraon, Nidhi Saxena and Kiran Singh. Genotypic characterization of Arthrobacter sp. from Forest ecosystem as determined by RAPD analysis. National Symposium on Microbial Biodiversity, Bioremediation & Biotechnology, 28th & 29th July 2008, MB3 – 2008, Organized by Cauvery College for Women, Annamalai Nagar, Tiruchirappalli – 620 018.
33. Vinay Oraon, Nidhi Saxena, Vinod Singh & Kiran Singh. Cytokines and ITS role in inflammatory reactions. Training cum Workshop on Cytokine Assay, 26-27th Feb., 2008. Organized by Dept. of Microbiology and Epidemiology, U.P. Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Pashu-achikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Gau Anusandhan Sansthan, (DUVASU) Mathura, U.P.
34. Vinay Oraon, Nidhi Saxena and Kiran Singh. Role of physio-chemical factors in determining water quality of upper lake-Bhopal. Taal 2007: 12th World Lake Conference Conserving Lakes & Wetlands for Future, Jaipur (India). 28th October – 2 nd November 2007, organized by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, New Delhi, supported by International Lake Environment committee foundation (ILEC).
35. Vinay Oraon, Nidhi Saxena and Kiran Singh. Bacteriological examination of upper Lake of Bhopal in relation of water quality assessment. Taal 2007: 12th World Lake Conference Conserving Lakes & Wetlands for Future, Jaipur (India). 28th October – 2 nd November 2007, organized by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, New Delhi, supported by International Lake Environment Committee Foundation (ILEC).
No. of Refresher courses/summer trainings attended/ Resource Person Venue Period Date
1 UGC-HRDC, Ranchi University, Ranchi (Refresher Course on Experimental Botany) 14 Days 08/11/202-21/11/2022
2 Professional Development Programme on ‘Implementation of NEP­2020 for University and College Teachers’, IGNOU, New Delhi 14 Days 07/10/2022-15/10/2022
3 Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, New Delhi (FDP on Advanced Research Methodology) 14 Days 22/04/2022-06/05/2022
Book Published
2018: CONCEPT OF LABORATORY TECHNIQUES IN BIOLOGY; Kiran Singh, Manish Sharma and Vinay Oraon; ISBN: 9789387296978; e-ISBN: 9789387296985 (BRILLION PUBLISHING).
Book Chapter Published
1. 2019: MICROBIAL GNOSIS, Volume-I; Chap. 10: Defense mechanism- The Immune System; Vinay Oraon; ISBN: 9788194051213. Publisher: Career Research Initiative, Career College, Bhopal.
2. 2021: Plant Physiology- Structure, Development and Metabolism; Chap. 13: Metabolism of Water and Inorganic Moieties; Patnaik Amit, Sinha Anita and Oraon Vinay. ISBN: 978-93-89996-48-7. Publisher: Jaya Publishing House, Delhi.
3. 2022: MODERN CONCEPTS OF IMMUNOLOGY; Chap. 18: Autoimmune Diseases; Vinay Oraon, Nilam Kumari Beck, Anita Sinha and Amit Patnaik; ISBN: 978-93-91568-64-1, Agroacademics, Jodhpur.
4. 2022: MODERN CONCEPTS OF IMMUNOLOGY; Chap. 15: Cytokine; Anita Sinha, Amit Patnaik and Vinay Oraon; ISBN: 978-93-91568-64-1, Agroacademics, Jodhpur.
Member of Professional Bodies
• Life Member of Association of Microbiology of India (AMI-4320-2015).
• Life Member of the Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA-L28534-2015).
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