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Profile | Ranchi University

Faculty Profile


Full Name

Prof. (Dr.) Jitendra Shukla



Associate Professor, Geography

Career Profile
Teaching experience in years Area of Specialisation
34+ Teaching: P.G level Teaching Research: M.phil. + ph.D.
Geomorphology, Regional planning, and development, Environmental Geography, Cartography.
Research Guidance : M.Phil./Ph.D. /D.Sc. /D.Litt.
Name of Research Scholar Registration No. & Date Topic of Research Work Present Status (No. of Ph.D. awarded / ongoing)
Md Azfar Mondal EX 13987-97, dated: 29/06/17 The resource appraisal and planning for the development of Bankura District of W.B. Awarded
Subhankar Patra EX 18135-45, Dated 02.05.18 Accelerated geomorphic hazard and their enviromental impact on Purba Medinipur watt of W.B - awarded Awarded
Mausami Memo -Ex 5562-72, Dated-11/11/22 Enviromental impact of coal mining in north Karanpura coalfield project (NKP) area, Awarded
Veena Lakra Nagrikaran ka Jalsansadhan par Prabhav. Submitted
Zeba Zareen 1895-42, dated-07/08/2018 Role of MGNREGA in the development of Palamu district Submitted
Babita Kumari 1895-42, dated-07/08/2018 Level of regional development and planning in Santhal Parganas. Submitted
Ravi Kumar 11th Feb 2020 A Comparative Study of literacy among Munda and Oraon tribes in Ranchi District. Ongoing
Kalyan Sardar 11th Feb 2020 Population dynamics and impact of resources: A Case study of Kultali block, south of Kultali block, south 24 Parganas, W.B. Ongoing
Aruna Kumari Applied on 02.07.22 Impact of Globalization on Birhor tribal Community of Bokaro district in Jharkhand. ----
Krishna Kumari Applied on 20.10.22 A study of the growth center and its planning for development in Dumka district. ----
Vijoy Hansda Applied on 20.10.22 Agricultural change in Hura Block of Purulis district (WB) from 1991 to 2021 and its impact on Socioeconomics development: A Geographical perspective. ----
Prosenjit Murmu ------ An appraisal of level of development among schedule tribe in Manbazar Block -1 of Purulia district W.B. ----
Books Authored/Edited/Co-Author Chapter in Book
Name of Books Subject Sole or Co-Author ISBN Date of Publication Name of Publishers
झारखण्ड का भूगोल भूगोल डॉ जगदीश कुमार महतो 978-93-54567-07-8 जनवरी 2023 शिवांगन पब्लिकेशन राँची
----- ----- विद्यानंद चौधरी ------ ------ ------
Number of Research papers published in Journals/Periodical
Title with page Nos. ISSN Name of Journal Date of Publication
झारखण्ड मे कृषि के उपयोग का बदलता सवरूप : एक भौगोलिक अध्यन 2277-4858 The Konkan Geeographer Nov-Dec-2018
झारखण्ड के परंपरागत कृषि में बदलाव : एक विलेष्णात्मक अध्यन 0973-3914 Research journal of social and live sciences Vol-26 Dec-2018
No. of Seminars/Conferences/Workshop Attended/Organised
Seminar/Conference Date of Participation National/International
Seminar 29 June 2017 State Level
Seminar 15-16 July 2017 National Level
XIV annual conference and National seminar 8.08.2017 National
12th International seminar on Development and Tribes /As a resource person 09.08.2017 International
12th international seminar on Development and Tribals/ Presented paper 09.08.2017 International
37th INKA international congress for cartodiversity and its management /presented paper 1-3 Nov 2017 International
Attended and chaired the 6-13th International seminar on Urban Development. 10 to 12th March 2018 International
13th International Seminar on Urban Development/Co-Ordinator 10 to 12th march 2018 International
XIV International Geographical Union (IGU), India Conference. 6 to 8 March 2020 International
14th International Seminar on Rural Development 27 to 29 Oct. 2018 International
7th International Seminar on recent trends of Biodiversity. 24 to 26 Sept, 2022 International
23rd annual conference on National Seminar Ara. 15 to 16 th Oct, 2022 National
42nd International Congress on Digital Cartography to Harness Blue Economy 9 to 11th Nov, 2022 International
International Geographical Union (IGU) Thematic conference-22/presented paper 24 - 25 Nov, 2022 International
International Geographical Union (ICU) Thematic conference-22 /Chaired Session 24-25 Nov, 2022 International
8th National Seminar on Climatic Change and Sustainable Development 17 -19 December, 2022 National
National Seminar on Eco-Criticism 26 to 27 August -2022 National
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