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Profile | Ranchi University

Faculty Profile


Full Name

Dr. Shweta Nag



Assistant Professor

Career Profile
Experience before joining the University (Teaching/ Administrative post) mention number of years with designation and employer name
Served as Assistant Professor in SGM College Pandra from 1st April 2015 to 8 January 2018. From 9th January 2018 to 17th November 2020 served as Assistant Professor in Contractual Basis in Ranchi Women's College Ranchi. Teaching experience is 9 years. Employer Name - SGM College Pandra affiliated to Ranchi University and Ranchi Women's College, Ranchi University Ranchi.
Research Guidance :M.Phil/Ph.D. /D.Sc. /D. Litt
Name of Research Scholor Registration No. & Date Topic of Research Work Present Status(No. of Ph.D. awarded / ongoing)
1. Punam Kumari 37699/87 Studies on antifungal effects of ethnomedicinal plants with special refrenceto skin diseases in ranchidistict of jharkhand. Awarded(2018)
2 .Tasneem Anwar 20/12/2018 Study of host plant response upon lac insect inoculation. Continuing/Ongoing
3 .Farha fatima 2019 Studies on ethnomedicinal and phytochemical properties of some plants for cure of Anaemia in ranchi district of Jharkhand. Continuing/Ongoing
4 .Swati Shikha 12/02/2020 Studies on ethnomedicinal phytochemical properties of Neolamrchiacodamlea (Roxb) Basser growing in ranchi district of Jharkhand. Continuing/Ongoing
5 . Prakriti Shahdeo 19/10/2020 Studies on characterisation of host pathogen system:common bacterial blight of Phaseolus vulgaris L. caused by xanhomonasaxonopodispv.pha seoli growing in ramghar,jharkhand. Continuing/Ongoing
6 .Mitali Mahto 09/11/2020 Physiological and biStudies on characterisation of host pathogen system:common bacterial blight of Phaseolus vulgaris L. caused by xanhomonasaxonopodispv.pha seoli growing in ramghar,jarkhand. Continuing/Ongoing
7. Shwati jha 21/12/2020 Studies on phytochemicals and synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Agaricusbisporus and pleurotus species and its antimicrobial activity against some pathogen. Continuing/Ongoing
8. Asrashaheen 21/12/2020 Study of medicinal plants used used for the treatment of peptic ulcer by indigenous people in ranchi district of jharhand Continuing/Ongoing
9. Neha Raj 22/12/2020 Studies on certain acquatic ferns for their medicinal properties and antibacterial activities. Continuing/Ongoing
10. Kavita kumari 20/01/2021 Studies on the phytochemical analysis and antimicrobial activity of parasitic plant cuscutareflexaRoxb. inranchi Continuing/Ongoing
11. Manju bagga arora 20/03/2021 Studies on antibacterial activities ,phytochemical analysis and ethnomedicinal properties of Brassica juncea in ranchidistrict,Jharkhand Continuing/Ongoing
12. Zufeshan Naznin 09/02/2022 Studies on phytochemical,antmicrobial and antioxidant activity of an ethnomedicinally important plant dilleniaindica. Continuing/Ongoing
13. Riya 09/02/2022 Ethnomedicinl,phytochemical, antibacterial and antioxidant studies on leeamacrophyllaRoxb.exHorne m. Of ranchi district jharkhand Continuing/Ongoing
14. Jameela khatoon 2022 Studies on comparative effects of eutrofication in different water bodies due to eichornia in purulia town. Continuing/Ongoing
Number of Research papers published in Journals/Periodical
Sr. No. Title with page Nos. ISSN Name of Journal year
1 Antifungal Activity Of Calotropisprocera latex against ringworm (Dermatophytes). 12(1):77-80. ISSN No:-0973- 7057 Biospectra 2017
2 In vitro Antidermatophytic activity of Lawsoniainermis L.(Heena) leaves extract against Ringworm. 12(1): 89-92. ISSN No:-0973- 7057 Biospectra 2017
3 Impact of Lac cultivation on Economic Strengthening of Tribal Women of Ranchi District : A Review 5(3&4):325-330. ISSN No:-2383- 9508 The Biobrio 2018
4 Ethnomedicinalplaan ts used in the treatment of Asthma by indigenous people of Ranchi district of Jharkhand 9(3):7- 11 ISSN No:-2277- 6206 Research & Reviews: A Journal of Immunology. 2019
5 Ethnomedicinal importance ofNyctanthesarbortristis in Ranchi district Jharkhand. 6(3):8-11. ISSN No:-2349- 9036 Research & Reviews: A Journal of Drug Design &Discovery 2019
6 Study of Ethnomedicinal plants for the cure of Anemia in Ranchi District of Jharkhand, INDIA .7(2):399-403 ISSN No:-2394- 3211 European journal of pharmaceutical and medicinal research. 2020
7 Anti-Diabetic medicinal plants used by indigenous people of Ranchi district of Jharkhand, India. 7(3):490-492. ISSN No:-2394- 3211 European journal of pharmaceutical and medicinal research 2020
8 A study on Ethnomedicinal properties of Tinosporacordifolia in Ranchi District of Jharkhand, India 7(1):19-21. ISSN No:-2394- 7276 Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmacognosy 2020
9 THE CELL CYCLE, CYCLINS, CHECKPOINTS AND CANCER 10(1):463-481 ISSN 2278 - 4357 World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2021
10 Survey, Isolation and Confirmation of bacterial black rot disease in cabbage in the tribal populated area of kanke black under Ranchi district of Jharkhand state 11(1):34-38 ISSN 2249-3387 American Journal of Pharmtech Research 2021
11 Nutrient composition, Phytochemical profile and antioxidant properties of Morusnigra: A Review 6(2):424-432 ISSN No:-2456- 2165 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology. 2021
12 Ethnoveterinary Medicinal Plants: A Blessings to Tribal Communities of Indian Society: A Review 8(3):577- 583 ISSN No:-2394- 3211 European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 2021
13 The Divine Tree (NeolamarckiaCada mba): A Review 8(1):8-13 ISSN: 2394-7276 Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmacognosy. 2021
14 Ethnomedicinal climbers found in Jharkhand and their uses among the local tribes: A Review .9(2):28-33 ISSN No:-2321- 2187 International Journal of Herbal Medicines 2021
15 Medicinal plants used in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease: A review 8(8):154- 156 ISSN No:-2394- 3211 European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research. 2021
16 Medicinal potential of some aquatic and semi-aquatic plant found in Jharkhand: A Review 5&6,(1&2)35-48. ISSN No:-2319- 4227 RUJOST 2021
17 Bio- prospecting of some of Wild Edible Plant(WEPs), Medicinal and Aromatic Plants(MAPs)of Jharkjand: A Review 5&6,(1&2)09-18. ISSN No:-2319- 4227 RUJOST 2021
18 A systematic Review of Aloe veraand its Properties Vol. 11 | Issue-04| October - December | 2021 ISSN No:-2231- 5691 Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research(AJPRe s.) 2021
Any other academic, administrative and socially relevant contributions/consultancy and awards
1. Asst. Co-ordinator of Examination Cell for Vocational Courses of Ranchi University, from 2010 to 2017
2. Asst. Director/ Director of Evaluation (Part-I) Centre of Ranchi University held at Multipurpose Exam Hall, 2011 & 2012.
3. Asst. Centre Superintendent / Centre Superintendent of Exam Centre of Ranchi University held at Multipurpose Examination Hall (All Examination conducted by Ranchi University, 2010-2013)
4. Course Coordinator of LLM from 2019 to till date.
5. Course Coordinator of LLM from 2019 to till date.
6. Course Coordinator for Orientation course 2019 and 2020 (Human Resource Development Centre Ranchi University, Ranchi).
INVITATION: As a Co-Chairman for the Round Table Conference on Xanthomonas, INRA FRANCE, in VIIIth International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria at PARIS
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