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Profile | Ranchi University

Faculty Profile


Full Name

Dr. Shipra Kumari



Associate Professor

Level of Guidance & Teaching

M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.


M.Sc., Ph.D.

Career Profile
Teaching Experience in Years Area of Specialisation
Teaching Research
29 years Textiles & Clothing Natural Dyes, Silk Fiber, Textiles & SHGs, Art and Craft, Clothing, Market Research
Research Guidance : M.Phil/Ph.d/D.Sc./D.Litt
Name of Research Scholar Registration No. & Date Topic of Research Work Present Status(No.of Ph.D. awarded / ongoing)
1. Dr. Sunita Kumari Studies in Formation and Functioning of Self Help Groups in the field of Clothing and Textiles in Ranchi District Awarded August 2019
2. Ms. Ishrat Perween A Study of Health and Nutritional Status of Adolescent Muslim Girls. Submitted In February 2022
3. Pooja Kumari झारखण्ड के सोहराई चित्रकारी एवं इससे जुड़े पहलुओं का अध्ययन Registered
4. Bindu Sharma Food Safety Challenges towards Safe, Healthy and Nutritional Street Food- A Study of Ranchi City of Jharkhand. Registered
Number of Research Papers published in Journals/Periodical
S. No. Title with page number ISSN Name of Journal Date of Publication
1 K. Sunita, K. Shipra, ‘A Case Study of SHGs Working in The Field of Apparel and Textiles in Nayasarai’ pp 340-348 2249-2496 International Journal of Research in Social Science 2017
2 Kumari Puja, K. Shipra, Sohrai Painting of Jharkhand and its diversification, pp 44-46 (ISBN 978-9390049-06-6) Conference proceeding “ Role of Community Science in Rural Development” edited by Anita Rani and Sakshi, Ocean PublicationRampur, UP 2020
3 Perween Ishrat, K. Shipra, A Study on Health and Nutritional Status of Muslim Adolescent Girls of Ranchi District, Jharkhand, pp 41-50. 2231-5888 International Journal of Commerce & Social Science 2020
4 Perween Ishrat, K.Shipra, ‘A Study on Socio Economic and Educational Status of Muslim Adolescent Girls of Ranchi District, Jharkhand’ 145-151 2320-7116 Resonance Vol 9.1, Jan 2021
No. of seminars / conferences / workshop attended / organised
S.No. Seminar / Conference Date of Participation National / International
1 Participated in one day Workshop on “Effective Teaching”, organized by IWAC Ranchi Women’s College, Ranch 7th Sept.2021 State
2 Delivered a Lecture as Guest Speaker on ‘Sustainability in Textiles and Clothing’ in National Seminar on ‘Role of Home Science in Emerging India’ organized by PG Department of Home Science. MM Mahila College, VKS University, Ara, o 13th-14th July 2021 National
3 Participated in one day National Webinar on “Use of Personal Protective Clothing in Fight Against Pandemic” Organized by IQAC and Department of Textiles and Apparel Designing, SVT College of Home Science 1st June 2020 National
4 Participated in one day National Webinar on “How to Use Open Educational Resources To Desire, Organized by Department of Physics, St. Mary’s College Tamil Nadu 31st May 2020 National
5 Participated in one day National Webinar on “Swadeshi Bloom- Indian Craft and Technology- Impetus in Pandemic Era”, organized by Department of Textiles and Fashion Technology, College of Nirmala Niketan, Mumbai 26th May 2020 National
6 Presented a paper entitled “ Challenges and Readiness for e-learning in Post COVID -19” in one day International Webinar on “Challenges to Higher Education Post COVID-19”, Organized by Vasant Kanya Mahavidyala, Varanasi 16th May 2020 International
7 Presented a poster entitled “ A Comparative Study of Motifs of Paintings of Bihar and Jharkhand: Madhubani Vs. Sohrai” in 5th International Textiles and Costume Congress on “ Indigenous Textile Crafts : Global Market and Trends” held at Department of Clothing and Textiles, Faculty of Family and Community Sciences, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat 3-5 October 2019 International
8 Presented a paper entitled “Sohrai Painting of Jharkhand and Its Diversification” in a ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on “Role of Community Science Education in Rural Development” held at College of Home Science, G B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand 21-22 August 2019 National
9 Attended a workshop organized by I-MADE (Innovation in Mobile App Development Ecosystem) held at Shaheed Smriti Auditorium, Central Library, Ranchi University, Ranchi 10th May 2019 State
10 Presented a paper entitled “Sohrai Painting- A Rich Heritage of Jharkhand” in a National Seminar held at Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi 15-16th Feb. 2018 National
11 National
12 Presented a research paper entitled “Characteristic Properties of Sericin from Tasar Cocoon (Antharaea mylitta) in XXXII Biennial Conference of Home Science Association of India organized by Home Science of India Udaipur Chapter, at College of Home Science, MPUAT, Udaipur 1-3 Feb. 2018 National
13 Attended OPENCON 2017 RANCHI at St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi 26th Aug. 2017 National
14 Worked as Rapporteur in State level Seminar cum Discussion on “Water Resources: Issues, Challenges and Sustainability” organized by Department of Geography, in collaboration with Green Audit Team, Ranchi Women’s College, Ranchi. 29th June 2017 State
No. of FIP/refresher courses/summer trainings attended/organised
Sl. No. Detail Period Venue
1 Attended UGC Sponsored Three Days Online Workshop on “Online Course Design, Development and Delivery” (7th-9th May 2020) Online by HRDC, University of Hyderabad
2 Attended Faculty Development Programme ‘Embracing Self- Learning in Research with SWAYAM’ 15-16th Jan 2020 Xavier Institute of Social Service in association with Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Any other academic, administrative and socially relevant contributions/consultancy and awards
I Fellowships/ Scholarship/Award conferred upon
1. Certificate of Appreciation for Oral Presentation of a paper entitled “Characteristic Properties of Sericin from Tasar Cocoon (Antharaea mylitta) in XXXII Biennial Conference of Home Science Association of India organized by Home Science of India Udaipur Chapter, at College of Home Science, MPUAT, Udaipur on 1-3 Feb. 2018
II Experience as Expert/Consultant/ Moderator/Board of Studies/other committees
1. Worked as IQAC Coordinator of Ranchi Womens College Ranchi, February 2020 Till Jan 2022
2. Worked as Member Secretary, Academic Council of Ranchi Women’s College, Ranchi since January 2018 Till Jan 2022
3. Worked as Coordinator, Fashion Designing Department of Ranchi Women’s College, Ranchi since Nov. 2017 till Feb. 2022.
4. Subject Expert in Interview Board of Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi for interview held on 10th Nov. 2020
5. Co-ordinated a employment registration camp in Ranchi Women’s College, Ranchi on 27-28 September 2019 under the banner of Placement Cell of RWC in collaboration
6. Subject Expert of Scrutiny Committee for screening of application for the post of SMS/ Scientist (Home Science) advertised by Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi., 14th Feb. 2019
7. Worked as Subject Expert to review M.A/M.Sc. Home Science Lesson of Nalanda Open University, in October 2018
8. Subject Expert in Interview Board of Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi for interview held on 14th Aug. 2018
9. Nominated as member of Subject Expert Committee by Jharkhand Public Service Commission, Ranchi, Jharkhand in April 2018
10. Member of Board Of Studies of Hotel Management course of Ranchi University in 2018
11. Member of Board of Studies of PG Department of Home Science, RU Ranchi For formulation of UG Course under Choice Based Credit System (Jul. 2017)
12. Nominated as member of Subject Expert Committee by Bihar Public Service Commission, Patna, Bihar in June 2017.
III Lecture Delivered at various Institution
1. Lecture delivered as resource person in 97th Orientation Programme of UGC-Human Resource development Center, Ranchi University, Ranchi, on 18th Sept. 2019 on topic “Role and Responsibility of Teacher in Higher Education.
2. Delivered lecture as resource person in 10 days ICSSR, New Delhi Sponsored ‘Workshop and Training on Research Methodology for Ph. D. in Social Science’ 15th - 24th Sept. 2016, organized by University Department of Home Science, Ranchi University, Ranchi.
IV Member of Academic or Professional Bodies
1. Life Member of The Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata
2. Life Member of Home Science Association of India
3. Life Member of The Textile Association (India)
V Examiner in Other Universities (UG, PG and Ph.D. and other Courses)
1. Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi
2. Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur
3. Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam
4. GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar
5. Sambalpur University, Sambalpur
6. Patna University, Patna
7. Magadh University, Gaya, Bihar
VI Networking Sites
8. Research Gate -
9. Google Scholar -
Important Websites