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Profile | Ranchi University

Faculty Profile

Dr. Seema Keshari

Associate Professor

Full Name

Dr. Seema Keshari



Associate Professor



Details of Academic Membership / Association
Name of the Society Post Held Year of the Registration Types of Membership (Life Membership / Annual)
1. Zoological Society of India-,2. Biospectra -(2012) 3. Bioscan (2012) 4. Indian Science News Association, Kollkata (2013) MZSI 30-12-2009 Life membership
Refresher Course Details
Name of the FIP / Refresher course/ FDP/ Orientation Program/ Summer / Winter School Details Number of the Course Duration of the above Course Name of the HRDC
1.Orientation Course: 10.11.2008 -07.12.2008 Refresher Course in Environmental Science: 24.07.1.Refresher Course in L,e Sciences: 06.09.2022 -19.09.2022 2. Refresher Course in Life Sciences: 18.07.2023 -31.07.20232009 -13.08.20 Course coordinator in 2022 and 202309 Refresher Course in Environmental Science: 10.05.2011 -30.05.2011 Refresher Course in Environmental Science : 05.01.2013 – 25.01.2013 Orientation Course: 05.11.14 -02.12.2014 Special Winter School: 02.12.2016 – 22.12.2016 Refresher Course in Life Sciences: 01.09.2020 -14.09.2020 07+02 times course coordinator(2008-2023) 28 days -Orientation/FIP, 21 days -Refresher course, 14 days refresher course Ranchi University
Publication: Research Paper/Chapter in a Book/ Book (Year wise for last 5 years only (2018 to 2023))
Year of the publication Authors details (First author, corresponding, co-author) Name of the journal with ISSN / ISBN and DOI Title of the paper Type of Paper
2018-23 National Seema Keshari (2022) : Life history, ecology and pest status of Sahyaddrassus malabaricus Moore, A polyphagous pest of timber Tree in Jharkhand. RUJOST, ISSN; 2319-4227 ( Ranchi University Journal of Science and Technology) Vol 7, No. ! page 175- 178 Purva Mandal, Rakhi Kumari, Rashika Agrawal & Seema Keshari : (2022): Zinc Oxide nanoparticles as a method to control Sitophilus oryzae ( L) on stored wheat grains. RUJOST ISSN; 2319-4227 ( Ranchi University Journal of Science and Technology) Vol 7, No. 1, page 161- 164. Rashika Agrawal, Purva Mandal, Rakhi Kumari, & Seema Keshari : (2022): Study on the food preservative effect of chitosan extracted from mushroom Termitomyces heimii RUJOST ISSN; 2319-4227 ( Ranchi University Journal of Science and Technology) Vol 7, No. 1, page 179- 184. Rakhi Kumari, Purva Mandal, Rashika Agrawal, & Seema Keshari : (2022): The effect of colloidal solution of ZnO nanoparticles on bruchid beetle Callosobruchus maculatus : A pest of gram ( Cicer arietinum). RUJOST ISSN; 2319-4227 ( Ranchi University Journal of Science and Technology) Vol 7, No. 1, page 171-174 Seema Keshari (2021) : Studies on the species diversity of Coreidae ( Heteroptera ) from Ranchi, Jharkhand. RUJOST ( Ranchi University Journal of Science and Technology) Vol 5 & 6 page 145- 147 Dipti Lata, Silva Kanta Lakra and Seema Keshari (2020) : Study on Importance of Aquatic Beetles in Freshwater Ecosystems. The Oxford Journal of Science and Research. ISSN No. 2581-9380 ,2020 3(1) 28-31 Silva Kanta Lakra ,Dipti Lata and Seema Keshari (2020) : Diversity of aquatic Hemipteran and other aquatic insects in Rims Talab, Ranchi, during pre-monsoon season . Oxford Journal of Science and Research. ISSN No. 2581-9380 ,2020 3(1) 32-35. International Accepted Research papers- 3 BIOSPECTRA – ISBN NO. 0973-7057( September 2023) STUDY ON LIFE HISTORY OF Apoderus sissoo Marshall (COLEOPTERA : CURCULIONIDAE) A PEST OF Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. AND Dalbergia latifolia Roxb. IN RANCHI, JHARKHAND STUDY ON INSECT PESTS OF BRINJAL ( Solanum nigrum ) L. AND THEIR NATURAL ENEMIES IN RANCHI, JHARKHAND A Checklist of Butterfly Diversity in Bhagwan Birsa Biological Park,Ormanjhi, Ranchi, Jharkhand published papers Purva Mandal, & Seema Keshari : (2022): Evaluation of toxic efficacy of silicon oxid nanoparticles on Sitophilus oryzae ( L) on stored Maize grains under Laboratory conditions. The Biobrio ISSN : 2393-9508 Vol 9 ( 3&4) pp 872-875). Rakhi Kumari, Seema Keshari & Shafaque Mirza : (2022): Efficacy of Silica nanoparticles on stored Lens culinaris ( Masoor dal: lentil) under laboratory conditions. The Biobrio ISSN : 2393-9508 Vol 9 ( 3&4) pp 865-868. Purva Mandal, Seema Keshari Rakhi Kumari: (2022): Nanoinsecticidal effects of Zinc Oxide nanoparticles on Rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae ( L) under Laboratory conditions in stored wheat grains . Biospectra: ISSN : 0973 -7057 Vol 17 (2) pp 149- 152 . Rakhi Kumari Seema Keshari & Purva Mandal: (2022): ZnO nanoparticles as pulse protecting agent against the bruchid beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (F). . Biospectra : ISSN : 0973 -7057 Vol 17 (2) pp 135- 138 . Rashika Agrawal and Seema Keshari ( 2021 ) : A study of life cycle of vegetable pests in Ranchi . International Journal of Agricultural Science Volume 17 , Issue 2 June 2021 311-317. ISSN : 0973-130 x Silva Kanta Lakra, Dipti Lata & Seema Keshari (2021) Aquatic Hemipteran Biodiversity of Ranchi region of Jharkhand. Biospectra : ISSN : 0973 -7057 Vol 16 (1) pp 29- 32 . Dipti Lata , Silva Kanta Lakra and Seema Keshari (2021) Variation in population density of aquatic Coleopteran in a freshwater body of Ranchi District of Jharkhand with special reference to pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen. . Biospectra : ISSN : 0973 -7057 Vol 16 (1) pp 33-36. Indu Mahto & Seema Keshari ( 2020) : Six records of Reduviidae ( Heteroptera : Hemiptera) from Ranchi, Jharkhand. Biospectra : ISSN : 0973 -7057 Vol 15 (1) pp 133-138. Biospectra I SSN 0973-7057, International Jou.of Agri. Sc.-0973-130, RUJOST 2319-4227, The Biobrio 2393, The Oxford Jou. of Sc. and Res. 2581-9380- Purva Mandal, & Seema Keshari : (2022): Evaluation Of Toxic Efficacy Of Silicon Oxid Nanoparticles On Sitophilus Oryzae ( L) On Stored Maize Grains Under Laboratory Conditions. The Biobrio Issn : 2393 9508 Vol 9 ( 3&4) Pp 872 875). Rakhi Kumari, Seema Keshari & Shafaque Mirza : (2022): Efficacy Of Silica Nanoparticles On Stored Lens Culinaris ( Masoor Dal: Lentil) Under Laboratory Conditions. The Biobrio Issn : 2393 9508 Vol 9 ( 3&4) Pp 865 868. Purva Mandal, Seema Keshari Rakhi Kumari: (2022): Nanoinsecticidal Effects Of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles On Rice Weevil Sitophilus Oryzae ( L) Under Laboratory Conditions In Stored Wheat Grains . Biospectra: Issn : 0973 7057 Vol 17 (2) Pp 149 152 . Rakhi Kumari Seema Keshari & Purva Mandal: (2022): Zno Nanoparticles As Pulse Protecting Agent Against The Bruchid Beetle Callosobruchus Maculatus (F). . Biospectra : Issn : 0973 7057 Vol 17 (2) Pp 135 138 . Rashika Agrawal And Seema Keshari ( 2021 ) : A Study Of Life Cycle Of Vegetable Pests In Ranchi . International Journal Of Agricultural Science Volume 17 , Issue 2 June 2021 311 317. Issn : 0973 130 X Silva Kanta Lakra, Dipti Lata & Seema Keshari (2021) Aquatic Hemipteran Biodiversity Of Ranchi Region Of Jharkhand. Biospectra : Issn : 0973 7057 Vol 16 (1) Pp 29 32 . Dipti Lata , Silva Kanta Lakra And Seema Keshari (2021) Variation In Population Density Of Aquatic Coleopteran In A Freshwater Body Of Ranchi District Of Jharkhand With Special Reference To Ph, Temperature And Dissolved Oxygen. . Biospectra : Issn : 0973 7057 Vol 16 (1) Pp 33 36. Indu Mahto & Seema Keshari ( 2020) : Six Records Of Reduviidae ( Heteroptera : Hemiptera) From Ranchi, Jharkhand. Biospectra : Issn : 0973 7057 Vol 15 (1) Pp 133 138. Original Research Article
Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium Details
Number of Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium attended 1. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium Organized by National/ International In India/ Outside India Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid
13 Seminar Participated / Attended / Paper Presented 1. International Conference On “ Ethnobotany, Environmental Sustainability And Multidisciplinary Researches” 29Th & 30 November, 2023, At ,Gumla, Jharkhand. 2. Emerging Sustainable Technologies, Policies And Methodologies: 13.5.23: International Conference, Held At Marwari College , Ranchi. 3. Climate Change : Challenges And Opportunities:26.5.23: National Conference .Held At University Department Of Zoology, Ranchi University, Ranchi. 3. Participated In One Day Workshop On “ How To Write A Research Paper” 15.06.2022 Organised By University Department Of Botany, Ranchi University, Ranchi With Centre For Social And Environmental Research, Ranchi Participated In International Conference On “Cancer Immunotherapy : Experimental Model And Approaches” Organised By Department Of Zoology, Jamshedpur Co Operative College, Jamshedpur Kolhan University, On 02.04.2022 Participated In Two Day National E Conference On “Wildlife Conservation In India : A Sustainable Approach” Organised By Department Of Zoology, J.m.patel Arts, Commerce And Science College, Bhandara In Collaboration With Wildlife Trust Of India & Envocare Nature Club Held On 01.02.2022 02.02.2022. International Conference On “ Emerging Bioscience Research For Rural And Urban Development “ Icebrud 2021 Organised By Department Of Zoology, Patna University, Patna, Bihar. On 21.12.2021 22.12.2021 One Day National Webinar On” Establishing New Teaching Learning Skills And Methodologies Amidst Covid 19 Pandemic 27.10.2020 Organised By Uttarakhand Science Education And Research Centre, Dept. Of Information And Science And Technology, Govt. Of Uttarakhand One Day National Webinar On “Advances In Plant And Animal Disease Protection: A Step Towards Biological Control “On 20.12. 2020 Organised By, Ranchi University, Ranchi International Conference On Multidisciplinary Innovations – 19.07.2020 20.09.2020 “Webinar On Climate Change” 31.08.2020 : Organised By Ugc Hrdc, Ranchi University, Ranchi. One Day National Level Workshop On : Stress Management Through Yoga “ On 19.12.2019. Organised By University Department Of Yoga, Ranchi University, Ranchi Chairing Nea During Harmony : 30.10.2018 Different Organisations International In India Physical
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