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Profile | Ranchi University

Faculty Profile


Full Name

Dr. Samira Sinha



Assistant Professor


M.A. & Ph.D.

Orcid ID


Career Profile
Teaching Experience in Years Area of Specialisation
Teaching Research
16 years and counting Indin Writing in English, Commonwealth Literature Postcolonial Studies, Feminist Literature and Criticism
Research Papers published in Journals
Sl. No. Title of research article / paper(s) Name of the journal Publisher of the journal (City/Country) Whether Sole Author/ Co- author Month & year of publication Whether Refereed/ non- refereed ISBN/ ISSN No. Impact Factor Whether Indexed journal or not
1 Poetics of Exile : Voices From The Indian Diaspora Khulna University Studies Vol. 10, No. 1 and 2 Khulna University, Bangladesh Sole June – December 2010 Refereed 1563-0897
2 To Make The World A Better Place The Literary Vision Vol. 6 Dept. Of English Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag Sole 2011 Refereed 0975-3230
3 The Audible Silence : Voices From The Dark The Atlantic Critical Review Vol. 14, No. 3 Atlantic Publishers and Distributors (P) Ltd. New Delhi Sole July- September 2015 Peer Reviewed 0972-6373 Indexed
4 Developing Critical Ability Among Students Of Jharkhand At UG Level Anusilana Vol. LXV Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi Sole 2015 Refereed 0973-8762
5 The Art of Narration and Expression : A Perspective Paripreksya Vol. XX Nishtha Research Foundation, Varanasi Sole 2016 Refereed 2278-0602
6 Persistence of Harmony in the Novels of Bhabani Bhattacharya The Atlantic Literary Review Vol. 17, No. 1 Atlantic Publishers and Distributors (P) Ltd. New Delhi Sole 2016 Refereed 0972-3269 Indexed
7 Indian Farmer : Then and Now Anusilana Vol. LXIX Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi Sole 2016 Refereed 0973-8762
8 The Glass Half Full Paripreksya Vol. XXI Nishtha Research Foundation, Varanasi Sole 2016 Refereed 2278-0602
9 Narrative of the Unconscious and Sublime International Journal of English and Literature Trans Stellar Journal Publications. Chennai Sole 2018 Refereed 2249-8028 (online) 6.2987 (JCC)2018 Indexed
10 Cultural Ethos in ‘So Many Hungers! And ‘Godan’ Kala Sarovar Vol 25, No.2 (Approved by UGC Care List) Kala Avam Dharma Shodh Sansthan, Varanasi Sole 2022 Refereed 0975-4520 4.015
11 Draupadi: Aspects of Existentialism Journal of Arts, Vol. II, Issue 2. October 2022 IIS University Jaipur Co-author 2022 Double blind Peer Reviewed and Refereed 2319-5339 (UGC CARE- listed, Group- D)
12 Goddess of Knowledge: Hindu, Greek and Celtic Daath Voyage: An International Journal of Interdiscipinary Studies in English, Vol. 8, No. 1, March 2023 Co- author 2023 Refereed Open Access Journal 2455-7544 Indexed in DOAJ and SJIF
Books authored/Edited/Co-Author Chapter in Book
Name of Books Subject Sole or Co-Author ISBN Date of Publication Name of Publishers
1. Macbeth: The Fallen Angel Critical Essays on Shakespeare’s Macbeth Sole 2022 Critical Essays on Shakespeare’s Macbeth
2. Blessed Earth, Poor Farmers Shodh Dhara-select Research Papers of 2018 Sole 978-93-85595-85-1 2018 Jharkhand University Teachers’ Association in association with Jharkhand Jharokha Ranchi
Number of Research Papers published in Journals/Periodical
Sl. No. Title with page number ISSN Name of Journal Date of Publication
1 Narrative of the Unconscious and the Sublime 2249-8028 International Journal of English and Literature 2018
2 Cultural Ethos in So Many Hungers and Godan 0975-4520 Kala Sarovar, Vol-25(UGC CARE Listed) 2022
No. of seminars/conferences/workshop attended/organised
Seminar/Conference Date of Participation National/International
1. In Search of Heroes within the Genre and Beyond 23.02.2018-24.02.2018 (BHU, Varanasi) International
2. Reason, Culture and Morality 07.01.2019-09.01.2019 (Kontai, WB) International
3. Dr. Ambedkar: Education and Social Justice 13.04.2020 (Maharastra) National
4. Positive Communication Beyond Pandemic Grief 13.05.2020 (Kerala) National
5. Confessionalism in the poetry of Kamla Das 09.07.2020 (Patna) National
6. Plague, Pandemic and Literature 03.08.2020 (Assam) International
7. Mobility, Migration and Culture: Reflections in the World Literature 12.12.2020 (Ranchi) International
No. of FIP/refresher courses/summer trainings attended/organised
Date Period Venue
December 2017, January 2020 21 days, Post colonial Literature 21 days, Research Methodology HRDC, Ranchi University
August 2020 7 days, MOOCs Development and Delivery HRDC, Ranchi University
Important Websites