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Profile | Ranchi University

Faculty Profile


Full Name

Dr. Neeta Lal



Assistant Professor

Level of Guidance & Teaching

P.G. Teaching & Research Guidance


M.Sc., JET, Ph.D.

Career Profile
Teaching Experience in Years Area of Specialisation : Ecology
Teaching Research
14 years 17 years
Research Guidance : M.Phil/Ph.d/D.Sc./D.Litt
Name of Research Scholar Registration No. & Date Topic of Research Work Present Status(No. of Ph.D. awarded / ongoing)
1. Betul Sudharm ED322/12 & 23.03.2021 “Study of Paracetamol and combination of Parcetamol and papaya seed extract on kidney of male swiss Albino mice” Ongoing
2. Dolly kumari 16MSZOO2 Comparative study of morphological ,histological,and histochemical parameters of Epigeic and Endogeic Earthworm species in and around Ranchi” Ongoing
3. Monika Kumari 1570440 & 22.02.2022 “Community composition and population Dynamics of Zooplankton in context of seasonality and physico-chemical profile of Getalsud dam” Ongoing
4. Elisha Hansdak 1351810 & 12.03.2022 “Macrobenthic community structure and nutrient dynamics of Getalsud Reservoir of Jharkhand” Ongoing
Number of Research Papers published in Journals/Periodical
Sr. No. Title with page number ISSN Name of Journal Date of Publication
1 “Ameliorative potential of Aqueous extract of Panax Ginseng against Acetamipridindu ced subacute toxixity in Rats” 0972-8872 Journal of veterinary pharmacology and toxicology 16.03.2017
No. of seminars / conferences / workshop attended / organised
Sr.No. Seminar / Conference Date of Participation National / International
1 Regional Workshop on Research based Pedagogical tools. (IISER ,Sponsored by DST&DST) 6 -8 September, 2018 MHRD, INDIA
2 Challenges and oppprtunities in life science, (CUJ) 20.04.2018 National
3 Developing talent for global achievements and challenges for professional schools 06.04.2018 International
4 Webinar on impacts of Covid 19 pandemic and NSS activites 10.08.2020 National
5 Webinar on Metagenomics for climate resilience 15.08.2020 National
6 National web conference on Plastic and E waste manangement 13.08.2020-15.08.2020 National
7 Webinar on structure, immune responses, possible therapies and plant based interventions 16.08.2020 National
8 National webinar on Impact of Covid 10 on Noosphere 07.08.2020 National
9 Webinar on role of Guidance and carrer counseling in perspective of present pandemic situation of Covid 19 05.08.2020 - 06.08.2020 National
10 Reshaping India Post Covid 19 10.08.2020 - 11.08.2020 National
11 Breakthrough in Cell Science, WB 09.08.2020 International
12 Role of medicinal plants duringCovid 19 20.07.2020 National
13 Impact of virus and vector on human health 05.08.2020 National
14 Webconference on challenges and opportunities in life science 18.08.2020 - 19.08.2020 National
15 Econference on distribution of linux distribution ,cloud and mobile devices 17.08.2020 International
16 Webinar on SCORPIONS:The incredible arachnids 08.08.2020 National
17 National webinar on what is health. 23.09.2020 National
18 Perspective of fish taxonomy 20.09.2020 International
19 Webinar on research methodology 17.09.2020 National
20 Webinar on toxins 05.09.2020 National
21 Unconventional gas reservoirs challenges in India 07.09.2020 National
22 Webinar on guidelines for a successful ethical reviews of proposals 25.09.2020 National
23 State level webinar on women and the pandemic 29.08.2020 National
24 Webinar on role of internal complaints committee in handling workplace harassment 28.08.2020 National
25 Webinar on role of microenvironment in cancer progression 18.08.2020 National
26 Webinar on research ethics and Plegarism ,crisis and cure 20.08.2020 National
27 International webinar on Toxins The source of inspiration for fascinating basic and applied research 05.09.2020 International
28 Webinar on You are a great teacher believe it or not 03.10.2020 National
29 Webinar on Covid 10 :A global pandemic 2020 International
30 Webinar on prevention and treatment of Anaemia in adolescent girls 30.03.2022 National
31 Webinar on fit India movement 03.10.2020 National
32 Conference on Cancer immunotherapy experimental models and approaches 02 04.2022 International
No. of FIP/refresher courses/summer trainings attended/organised
Date Period Venue
UGC sponsored special Winter School 02.12.2017- 22.12.2017 21 Days HRDC, RANCHI UNIVERSITY
Faculty Development program ,Kalinga university 15.02.2020 01 Day RLSY College RU
Any other academic, administrative and socially relevant contributions/consultancy and awards
1. NAAC Coordinator in RLSY College RU(2018-2021)
2. External Expert in Radhagovind university Ranchi for interview of lecturer (2018)
3. Coordinator of MSc Environmental Science at the university, Department of Zoology, RUR(m=March2022)
Important Websites