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Profile | Ranchi University

Faculty Profile


Full Name

Dr. Md. Shakeel Ahmad



M.A & Ph.D

Career Profile
Teaching Experience in Years Area of Specialisation
38 yrs. and counting Teaching :   Novel & Modern Drama Research :   Novel
Number of Research Papers Published in Journals/Periodical :
Sl. No. Title of Research Article/Papers ISSN Name of Journal Date / Year of Publication
1 An Analysis of D.H. Lawrence's Novels on Sex, Love and Man-Women Relationship (A Critical Study) 2230-9802 Journal of English Studies Vol-XII No.1 2017
2 Dismantling Englishness and Globalizing Space: Post-Imperialist Disillusionment in Kazuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day P-ISSN No.: 2394-0344
E-ISSN No.: 2455-0817
Remarking Vol-II Issue-XII 2016
3 The Concept of "Unity of God": An Analysis of William Blake's Mystic Poetry P-ISSN No.: 2394-0344
E-ISSN No.: 2455-0817
Remarking An Analisation Vol-1 Issue-IV 2016
4 Cult of Anti-Romanticism in the Plays of G.B. Shaw P-ISSN No.: 2321-290X
E-ISSN No.: 2349-980X
Shrinkhla Ek Shodhparak Vaicharik Patrika Vol-III Issue-XII August 2016
5 A Study of Social Realism in the Novels of George Orwell P-ISSN No.: 2394-0344
E-ISSN No.: 2455-0817
Remarking An Analisation Vol-1 Issue-IV September 2016
No. of Seminars, Conferences, and Workshops Attended/ Organised
Seminars/ Conference Organised by Date of Participation National / International
Faculty Development Programme Kalinga University (20.02.2019) National
English Language Teaching in Jharkhand under Special Assistance Programme (SAP) of UGC University Department of English, Ranchi University, Ranchi (28-29 March 2012) National
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Higher Education in Independent India Ranchi College, Ranchi, A Constitute-Autonomous Unit of Ranchi University, Ranchi (28-29 January 2018) National
Preparing Research Papers: Tools & Techniques S.S. Memorial College, Ranchi (12 May 2012) National
No. of FIP Orientation Programme /Refresher Course/ Summer Trainings attended / Organised
Date Period Venue
UGC-Sponsored 49th Orientation Programme 03.03.2008 to 30.03.2008 27 Days UGC- Academic Staff College, Ranchi University, Ranchi
UGC-Sponsored 8th Refresher Course in English 24.04.2007 to 15.05.2007 21 Days UGC-Academic Staff College, Ranchi University, Ranchi
UGC-Sponsored 6th Refresher Course in English 26.02.2005 to 18.03.2005 20 Days UGC-Academic Staff College, Ranchi University, Ranchi
Research Guidance: Ph.D.
Name of Research Scholar Registration No. & Date Topic of Research Work Present Status
Biswajit Roy (14.07.2020) A Study of Modernism in the Select Plays of Christopher Fry Ongoing
Supriya Saha (04.08.2021) Portrayal of 'Topophilia' in the Works of Mirza Waheed: A Study of Place, Placeness, and Placelessness Ongoing
Rudra Kumar (04.08.2021) The Concept of Liberal Humanism in the Select Novels of Durjoy Datta Ongoing
Md. SK Jiaul Haque (04.08.2021) The Social Allegory As Represented in the Short Stories of Nadine Gordimer Ongoing
Ramnath Hota Under Process Marginalisation and Voiceless Feminism in the Works of Indira Goswami, Mahasweta Devi, and Tehmina Durrani Ongoing
Ravi Kachhap (05.09.2019) Search for Identity and Racial Consciousness in the Literary Works of James Baldwin Ongoing
Seraj Ud Din Pandith (05.07.2017) Elements of Modernism in the Selected Novels of Iris Murdoch Ongoing
Yashodanandan Mallik (04.08.2021) Theme of Alienation, Rootlessness, and Cultural Conflict in the Novels of Anita Race Badami Ongoing
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