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Profile | Ranchi University

Faculty Profile


Full Name

Dr. Asha Kumari



Associate Professor


M.A., Ph.D., D.Litt.

Career Profile
Teaching Experience in Years Area of Specialisation
Teaching Research
P.G 2 Years
U.G 28 Years 28 Years
Research Guidance : M.Phil/Ph.d/D.Sc./D.Litt
Name of Research Scholar Registration No. & Date Topic of Research Work Present Status(No. of Ph.D. awarded / ongoing)
M.Phil Nutan Kumari 16MP0085; Date: 03-02-2017 “Assessment of health status of adolescent girls……” Pass
M.Phil Kirtikala Gupta 17MP0138; Date: 03-04-2018 “Assessment of nutritional status and age at menarche…..” Pass
Ph.D Sabita Rani Date: 09.05.18 “Socio-economic Assessment of the Efficacy of Various Family Planning Methods in Ranchi District.” Awarded
Ph.D Sunita Kumari Kamal 2018 “Development of Health mix food products.” Awarded
Ph.D Puja Kumari Date: 10.07.18 “Knowledge, attitude and practice towards Nutrition and Nutritional status of adult female in metro and Non- metro areas (special reference to Delhi city and Bokaro steel city).” Awarded
Ph.D Shalu Kumari Sinha Submitted: 14.02.2022 “Prevalence of liver disease among adult population: A study in the perspective of dietary habit and lifestyle behavior.” Submitted
Ph.D Setu Kumari Registered: 07.05.18 “Prevalence of Diabetes and hypertension with Hyperlipidemia among Indian oil corporation Limited Employee of Bihar. “ Registered
Ph.D Swastika Subasini Registered: 29.10.20 “Health and Hygiene of Tribal women of Khuti District “ Registered
Books authored/Edited/Co-Author Chapter in Book (May 2017 to till date)
Name of Books Subject Sole or Co-Author ISBN Date of Publication Name of Publishers
Health, physiology and Microbiology Home Science Sole 978-81-95 6387-9-6 2022 Motilal Books Publishers and Distributers, Patna
Number of Research Papers published in Journals/Periodical
Sr. No. Title with page number ISSN Name of Journal Date of Publication
1 Effect of Fortified Complementary Food on the Nutritional status of Pre-School Children. ISSN 2394-4404 International Journal of Innovative Research & Advanced studies, indexed in Google, Indian science, DRJI, Scientific Indexing Journal Pp. 281-284, April 2017 Vol.4 Issue:4
2 Effect of Microwave (MW) Treatments of Resistant and Native starches. ISSN 2454-132x IJARIIT, cited in google scholar, cosmos, DRJI, Researcher id, scientific indexing services, COSMOS, Impact factor 4.295, pp 340-345, 2017 Vol.3 Issue 2
3 Chemical evaluation of health mix foods developed from quality protein maize. EISSN: 2278-4136, PISSN 22349-8234 Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, https://www.phytojournal.c 06-08-2018
4 Prevalence of Diabetes, Hypertension Hyperlipidemia and its Associated Factor among IOCL office employees of Ranchi Town; PISSN 2349-5138, E-ISSN 2348-1269 Added in the UGC approved list of journals, Impact Factor: 5.75 (vol 6 issue-1), Paper ID: IJRAR19J2260, Registration ID: 197328, Paper Id: IJRARA19J2260, , 504-516 Feb 2019
5 COVID-19 Patients with Liver disease and dietary Management. ; Page No: 620-631 ISSN 2349-5138, UGC approved - International peer reviewed referred journal, indexed in google scholar, Impact Factor: 5.75, Vol.8 issue 01, Paper Id: IJRAR 21A1521 March 2021
6 Survey of Diabetes, Hypertension and their major risk factors increases severity and mortality among COVID-19 patients in India.; Page no: 474-485 ISSN 1001-1749 Wutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu, UGC-CARE-GROUP-II -JOURNAL, Vol.xvll, Issue111, Impact Factor: 5.5, Web:, Scopus link: urceid/87584 March 2021
7 Role of lifestyle, diet and cardiovascular diseases in health, wellbeing, sustainable development. ISSN: 0973-0583 Ideal Research Review, A peer reviewed multidisciplinary journal, Impact factor: 8.61, Volume 76 No. 01, December 2023
No. of seminars / conferences / workshop attended / organised
Sr.No. Seminar / Conference Date of Participation National / International
1 Social change and challenges in the Era of Globalization 27-29 Sep. 2018 National
2 Non-communicable Diseases and health: A Home Scientist Approach 05-06 Oct. 2018 National
3 Webinar on Women's development 24.09.2020 National
4 Webinar on National education policy 24.09.2020 National
5 National Seminar 03.12.2023 National
6 Sensitization workshop 23.02.2024 National
Important Websites