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Profile | Ranchi University

Faculty Profile


Full Name

Dr. Dinesh Kumar



Associate Professor

Level of Guidance & Teaching

Post Graduate


M.A. Ph.D.

Career Profile
Teaching Experience in Years Area of Specialisation
Teaching Research
35 years Human Relations Sacred Complex
Research Guidance : M.Phil/Ph.d/D.Sc./D.Litt
Name of Research Scholor Registration No. & Date Topic of Research Work Present Status(No. of Ph.D. awarded / ongoing)
1. Dr. Abhinay Kumar PG00678/2013 Vide Memo No. B/1095/16 dated 09-08-2016 Date of Ph.D. Reg.- 30/04/2016 चेरो जनजाति की स्थिति निरंतरता एवं परिवर्तन : एक मानवशास्त्रीय अध्ययन Ph.D. Awarded
2. Sangeeta Munda B/528/18, Dated 30/04/2016 ग्रामीण समुदाय के विकलांगजनों पर सरकारी नीति एवं स्वयं सेवी संस्थाओं का प्रभाव : एक मानवशास्त्रीय अध्ययन (राँची जिले के रातु प्रखण्ड के विशेष संदर्भ में ) Ongoing
3. Ujjwal Dayal Binha 17/05/2017 घासी जाति की सामाजि - आर्थिक स्थिति: एक मानवशास्त्रीय अध्ययन Ongoing
4. Somnath Oraon B/916/16 Dated 16- 06-2016 Date of Ph.D. Reg. – 10/08/2015 माण्डर क्षेत्र के करकरा एवं पुनगी ग्रामों की उरांव तथा सदानः एक जनजाति - जाति निरंतरण का मानवशास्त्रीय अध्ययन Ongoing
5. Abhijeet Munda 24/01/22 “Economic Types and Kinship Terminologies Among the Tribes of Jharkhand” Ongoing
6. Lakhendra Prajapati 24/01/22 भद्रकाली मंदिर के पवित्र संकुल का अध्ययन (स्थिति एवं परिवर्तन ) Ongoing
7. Ajit Vishwakarma 10/08/2021 Impact of Anganwadi On Rural Population In Ratu Block of Ranchi District of Jharkhand Ongoing
8. Rocky 10/08/2021 Status, Continuity and Changes Among The Birjia Tribe of Jharkhand Ongoing
9. Ruplal Mahto 10/08/2021 बोकारों जिला के अंतर्गत नावाडीह प्रखण्ड में मनरेगा के प्रभाव का समालोचनात्मक अध्ययन Ongoing
10. Atish Panna 09/02/2022 Nature-Man-Spirit Complex of the Birhor Tribe: A Present Study Ongoing
11. Priyanka 13/02/2020 The Concept of Dominant Caste: A Study in Present Context. Ongoing
No. of seminars / conferences / workshop attended / organised
Sr.No. Seminar / Conference Date of Participation National / International
1 Conference 27-29 September 2018 International
2 Seminar 27-28 September 2019 National
No. of FIP/refresher courses/summer trainings attended/organised
Date Period Venue
15-02-2020 One day Kalinga University, Raipur
Any other academic, administrative and socially relevant contributions/consultancy and awards
1. Member, Archive, planning & Advisory Committee of the College.
2. Member, Building committee of the college.
3. Member, Purchase committee of the college.
4. Co-ordinator, IQAC of the College.
5. Member, IQAC of the College.
6. Member, IQAC of Ranchi University.
7. Member, Finance Advisory committee of the college.
8. Member, Administrative audit committee of the College.
9. Member, Board of studies of CBCS UG Syllabus R.U.
10. Nodal officer, Jharkhand Chancellor Portal for Admission.
11. Member, core committee of RUSUE- 2019 .
12. Member, Secretary RUSUE- 2019 Election Grievances Redressal Cell.
13. Member, Academic Council of Ranchi University.
14. Member, syndicate, Ranchi University.
15. Member, Senate, Ranchi University.
16. Member Moderation Board of Anthropology.
17. Resource Person, UGC, HRDC, Ranchi University.
18. Member Academic Committee R.M.S.A of RLSY School Kokar, Ranchi
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