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Profile | Ranchi University

Faculty Profile


Full Name

Dr. Anita mehta



Associate Professor

Joined Institute on


Career Profile
Teaching Experience in Years Area of Specialisation
30 years(UG) Teaching: Plant Physiology, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Research: Plant Tissue Culture and Phytochemical studies ,strategies to enhance sec metabolites in Cell,Tissue Culture,Nanoparticles
26 years(PG) Teaching: Plant Physiology, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Research: Plant Tissue Culture and Phytochemical studies ,strategies to enhance sec metabolites in Cell,Tissue Culture,Nanoparticles
Research Guidance : M.Phil/Ph.d/D.Sc./D.Litt
Name of Research Scholor Registration No. & Date Topic of Research Work Present Status(No. of Ph.D. awarded / ongoing)
1 .Ms. Shalini Jane Mundu 134360/17 dated 22.08.2017 Studies on bioactive compounds produced from endophytic fungi and its host Centella astiatica L. This will be submitted in 2 months
2 .Ms. Priyanka Kumari 14SXC024741
Dated 18.08.21
Strategies for the enhancement of secondary metabolite production of Solanum nigrum L. by plant cell and tissue culture ongoing
3 .Ms. Priyanka Puran Date of pre Ph.D regtn.seminar 20.03.23 Green synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using leaf and callus extracts of Leucas Cephalotes (Roth.) Spreng. and evaluation of their biological activvities ongoing
Books authored /Edited / Co-Author Chapter in Book
Name of Books Subject Sole or Co-Author ISBN Date of Publication Name of Publishers
Plants for a future 1.FINGER MILLET : A WONDER GRAIN (Classical to Experimental) Botany Sole author Dr Anita Mehta ISBN 978-93-84782-13-9 2017 Disha International Publishing House Greater Noida
Number of Research Papers published in Journals/Periodical
Sr. No. Title with page number ISSN Name of Journal Date of Publication
1 Effects of plant growth regulators on callus multiplication and in vitro plant regeneration in Bacopa monnier L.Vol.6(5),337-345 I2169-303X International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research (International Scholor Journals) 2017
2 Growth and Development of rooted plantlets of Bacopa monnier L. in auxin - free tissue culture medium. Vol 7 (3), June 2017 , 11-16 ISSN(P):2277-4815; ISSN(E):2319-4456 International Journal of Botany and Research (Transsteller Journal Publications) 2017
3 Phytochemical stusies of in vitro and in vivo Grown plantlets of Bacopa monnier L.
Vol.6(4): 129-138
ISSN(P):2319-4014; ISSN(E):2319-4022 International Journal of Applied and Natural Sciences 2017
4 TLC and HPTLC profiling and antibacterial effects of callus extracts of Holarrhaena antidysenterica Wall. Vegetos 30(supplement) 2017.
Doi : 10.5958/2229-4473.2017.00176.8
ISSN9070-4078 Veetos: An International J . of Plant Research 2017
5 Screening of secondary metabolites produced fromdry leaves of Centella asiatica L. and its isolated endophytic fungi.
Vol.8, Issue 1 IJRAR21A1354 pg-151-164
E-ISSN2348-5138 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 2021
6 In vitro root proliferation from different explants of Solanum nigrum L ISSN:2229-4473 Vegetos Springger Nature(Online) 2022
7 DPPH and FRAP assays for different extracts of in-vitro & in-vivo grown plantlets of Baccopa monieri L. ISSN:2229-4473 Vegetos Springger Nature(Online) 2023
No. of seminars / conferences / workshop attended / organised
Sr.No. Seminar / Conference Date of Participation National / International
1 Environmental and Biotechnological prospects and issues in India 23rd - 24th June 2017 National Conference organised by Inter Disciplinary Forum , Ranchi Womens College
2 Water Resourses :Issues, Challenges and Sustainability 29th June 2017 One Day State Level Seminar Cus Discussion orgaised by Dept of Geography and Green Audit Team, Ranchi Womens college.
3 Challenges and opportunities of liffe sciences. 20th April 2018 National Conference organised by Center of Life Science , Central Univ of Jharkhand
4 Green Science and Sustainable Development 24th Feb 2018 Jharkhand Council of Science and Technology Ranchi
5 Molecular Diagnostics (PCR, Registration Digestion and litigation) 8th - 9th Nov 2019 SHRM BIOTECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD. Venue- RWC , DEPT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY
6 Emerging Trends in Plant & Environment Sciences 2nd - 4th Feb 2023 Department of Botany , University of Rajasthan , Jaipur
1.Life member of various peer reviewed journals : MENDEL, BIONATURE, INDIAN BOTONICAL SOCIETY, BIOSCAN, VEGETOS.
3.served as rapporteur during National Conference organised by RWC 23-24 June 2017
4. The Honours of Life Membership is gratefully presented for outstanding dedication to society for Plant Research under the ages of which Int.J.of Plant Research and Biotechnology : Vegetos is published , currently processed by Springer Nature.
5. Reviewer of Manuscripts for (i). Vegetos, an International Journal of Plant Research, (ii) International j. of Environmental and Climate Change. (iii) European J.of Medicinal Plants
6. Member Secretary ot the Comittee(Award and Honor- 2021) for various SPR Vegetos awards.
7. Fellow of SPR
8. Member of Department Research council , Univ Dept. of Botany, RU
1. Best Research paper award from International J. of Botany and Research June 2017, Transstellar Journals Publ.
2. Best research paper award from International J. of Applied and Nature Sciences 2017
3. Savitri bai Phule Appreciation Award 2023 A. N. College, Dumka (SKM University, Dumka)
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